
Every so often I feel the sudden urge to reorganize the furniture in my room. Today was one of those days. I don't know what it is - maybe it's a fresh perspective on something I see everyday, maybe it's a chance to try something else ... but it seems that whenever I do it, I am almost always completely satisfied with the result. This time is no different. Several of the elements in my room were moved around and the room feels like a totally different place - and the organization is altogether better (in my mind at least). I completed the furniture move before the hockey game (that's another post), and then sorted out a bunch of crap that had accumulated. I'm going to be spending some time in the near future sorting through paper that I've accumulated and trying to discard as much as possible. It seems pretty unlikely I'll need my high school financial management course work, don't you think? (Oh yeah, I kept a lot of crap). Something tells me I'm going to need a couple of boxes to take all the paper I'm going to discard to the recycling bin.

I love it. I find a reorganized room refreshing and different - and yet familiar in the same way. So it is nice to be able to get that feeling here.
