
Wow ... this would be cool. Apparently there is funding available to send our Hex programming team to Torino Italy where they are holding the CG (Computer Games) conference and the Computer Olympiad competition.

I had just about gotten myself out of working on the project with the attempts to focus on my own thesis work ... but now I'm going to have to put some time into the hex project, or I'd feel guilty for going to Italy without doing any work since several months ago. I think the Hex project is one that will continue to suck me in long after I leave the university!

Oddly enough though, this comes at a pretty good time. From talking to Darse and my supervisor, it looks like I'll be cutting back on what I was going to do for my thesis. It's kind of nice because this way it'll be easier to present my thesis as one overall topic instead of a dual focus sort of thing. More on this later, when I know for sure whether this is going to happen.

But that means that I can afford a little more time. Between getting ready for Italy and my own research though, I think I'm going to drop playing poker for a little while so that I have time to spend with Diane and some time to play some brainless games so I don't go insane :)

I'm pretty excited though - it'll be cool to go to Italy!
