Transition complete

Just a couple of notes to update what I'm doing with the site. I have now removed the old layout and blog content for That address is still valid, but it points to this blog. Wordpress does a pretty good job of acting as the main page for a website, so I see no reason to keep wordpress sequestered in a /blog directory. Very little for this webpage has changed. I hope to spend some time on the template to make it look prettier. Instead of doing it myself this time, I think I'll probably steal/use one of the free ones from the wordpress templates site and modify it using my own images. Hopefully I get around to that sooner rather than later.


Times are Busy

So... I launch a brand new blog, and then let both my blogs wallow in un-updatedness. Yeah, I'm good at this! As you might be able to tell, this site's layout is only half complete. It seems that everytime I get the chance to sit down to work on it, I get interrupted after only figuring out how to style one element at a time. At least now you can kind of see the direction I'm heading in. I hope you like it - I'm going for a fairly simple white background theme. It's fairly minimalist, but I think it'll do well. If the layout works out well, I'll probably adapt it for my personal blog as well.

Once the layout is done, I'll go back to trying to write some actual content for the blog. Hopefully that isn't too far away!



I have no idea why I feel so busy. I have had a fair amount of free time at home, so that's not the issue. Maybe it's because I didn't get enough time to sleep in this past weekend which has made me feel a little moody at the moment. *shrug*. Speaking of this past weekend, I got up early and Diane and I went down to help my friend Jon build a deck in his backyard. We didn't quite get it all done, but we made some really good progress. They provided us with some really good lunch (homemade paninis!) and supper which was really nice.

On Sunday, I returned a picture frame I had got from Ikea which meant a big trip down to the southside. My mom and I took my sister down for a harp gig at the Coast Terrace Inn, and while she was there we did the return and stopped at Indigo books where I used a gift certificate I originally received for Christmas last year. I picked up Angels and Demons, the sequel to The DaVinci Code and a book called The Professor, The Banker and The Suicide King which is about an amateur poker player who has a bankroll that he can use to play against professional poker players for crazy high stakes. Should be some good reads.

So both days this weekend I didn't get a lot of sleep which is adding to the not much sleep I got all last week ... and the trend seems to be continuing. I think I'm gonna need to get myself to sleep sooner one of these nights!

My thesis has come a long way over the last week. This week, the progress has been much slower but I've still managed to get quite far. There are some less pleasant sections to write yet though (because they are more technical and harder to write), so hopefully they don't take too long.

With regards to the changeover of this blog, it appears that everything made the switch okay. If you see anything odd, let me know though! I want to spend some time playing with the layout - I'm not sure if it'll be a complete redesign or not, but we shall see. Suggestions are always welcome of course!



I'm excited. I've been wanting to move away from home for awhile. Its not that my family is terribly constricting or anything, but I want to get out and experience life on my own now. About a month or two ago, I purchased a condo! Its a brand new unit that is being rebuilt after it burned down last year in one of several really big fires. Thankfully, the new building is being built to today's stricter building codes. Anyways, my real estate agent called me the other day and said that the construction is on schedule for its end of may completion! So I get to move in to my new place in only a few short weeks. Woohoo!

The condo is pretty impressive. It is literally right next door to Clareview station which connects me to downtown and the university through a very convenient train connection. The neighbouring amenities include a superstore, a wal-mart, a blockbuster video, an east side mario's, and many other stores and restaurants. Inside, the condo is a 1000+ square feet layout with 2 bedrooms and 2 bathrooms. It comes with all the appliances including insuite laundry (which was a real selling point). I can't wait until the move-in date now! :)
