Ahead of the Curve

One of the problems I have with starting to move ahead on the technology curve is sometimes you don't get to benefit from critical mass. Recently I started playing with Twitter, but using it has made me feel kind of lame because I barely know anyone who uses it. I've added the one friend I know who has it, but he doesn't use it actively. I'm also following a couple developers in the mac community, but that's it. So. What is twitter? It's hard to describe it in a way to make it sound as cool as I think it does. If you watch the video on the twitter page it seems kind of lame at the worst, and no different than facebook status updates at its best. They describe it as a way to keep everyone informed on what you are doing, and keep up to date with what other people are up to.

If that's all there is to it though, then that doesn't explain why I keep reading about it all the time on the blogs I subscribe to. So finally my curiosity got the better of me so I looked into it a little more and found this post that describes some of the features that twitter offers for people who have learned to use it. Hmm. Intrigued, I finally signed up. But now I have a problem: I don't have the social circle of people on twitter yet which means it doesn't have the value for me yet.

So. Anyone want to sign up and help me make it useful to me?
