
I've have had the pleasure again this year of checking out Edmonton's famous Fringe Festival. The festival is only half over, so if you haven't checked it out yet, then ... go check it out! Diane and I have seen three shows so far. The first two were really good, but the third wasn't quit as amazing. Here are my reviews: The Fugue Code This was an excellent play. It involved a solo performer taking the roles of four very different personalities as they frantically tried to crack the Fugue code. The plot roughly parallels the plots in Dan Brown's books "The Da Vinci Code" and "Angels and Demons". Overall, the play was extremely well done. The actor was admirably capable of being able to portray each of the 4 different main characters uniquely enough that we were able to identify which character was speaking at any given point. Perhaps it was because he would assume a different physical stance for each of his characters. At any rate, the play is fast-paced and humorous, and you should check it out!

Bald Ego This is a British standup comedy routine performed in the intimate Yardbird setting. This was an ideal venue for the act, and the comedy was top-notch. Diane and I were still giggling when we left the venue. It is pretty clear though that if you go check him out later in the week, you'll get a different show that we saw. He has some prepared material, but a lot of our laughs involved some interaction with the audience. If you get this, then you'll get a different show than we saw. I highly recommend seeing this guy.

Copyright Infringement Well our string of good luck with fringe shows had to end sooner or later. When I look at show descriptions, my eyes usually light up at the word "Improv". Perhaps it is because my past improv experiences have been most excellent thanks to the excellent local improv people, Improvaganza. This show, however, which was half improv and half prepared skits, was more silly than funny. Lots of physical comedy, but not much in the way of earned laughs. Oh well, you can't win them all.

We'll be hitting the fringe for at least 2 more shows. Maybe more, but we'll see how it goes!
