Setting Up

So a common question I've been asked is what I'm going to do now that I've graduated from my MSc degree. I've been hired on by my now former MSc supervisor to do some poker related work. Many of you will know that I have been counting on this for stability until I can find a job I like. Of course, my first place to look is BioTools - but they aren't hiring at the moment. So I'll wait it out for a few months before I expand my search to other local companies. Until then, I'm happily employed at the University on a pretty exciting project. If anyone is interested in reading my MSc thesis, take a look here: Morgan Kan MSc thesis.

In recent poker action, I've started work on a second go around at Interpoker's monthly reload bonus. I did really well on the first one - raking in ~$200 in poker winnings, $300 in bonus money, and another $160 in rakeback. Through two nights of play, I'm up almost $400 playing .5/1 $100NL. I'm now 1/4 of the way to the first $100 of the $300 bonus and 8% done the full bonus. If this streak continues, I'm looking at a very profitable month!

Hope everyone is doing well! Heraldk