Thesis Defended!

So I am now in the final stages now of finishing my masters degree in computer science. Today I passed my thesis defense -- which is a pretty nerve wracking event, even though I knew there wasn't a lot of reason to worry about it. It is like an interview with multiple interviewers trying to think of hard questions to stump you with. I was actually pleasantly surprised by how simple it was. The questions that were asked certainly made me think, and there were times I overthought the questions asked. But all in all, it went fairly smooth. So now that I'm done that major hurdle, all that's left is make the final revisions and get the thesis printed and bound and the final paperwork done. Is this ever exciting!

So yay for being done. Someday I will have a party to celebrate. It probably won't be until February though - this weekend is too soon to plan a party, and next weekend is the department ski trip!
