Thesis Progress

So Jonathan returned my thesis to me on Tuesday with modifications almost entirely fitting into the minor modifications category. So for the rest of the week I made the appropriate modifications and talked to Darse about the sections that needed a little work. So now Darse is doing a full read of my thesis and hopefully that goes well for the state of my thesis!This weekend I was notified about giving the GAMES meeting talk this week on DIVAT, so I'll be working on the presentation all this week. On the whole, however, my thesis is getting close to finished. Soon I'll be defending and then on to finding a job (scary thought).

In other news, this past week was crazy busy even though it was shortened by Thanksgiving (a Thanksgiving, I might add, that I had a dinner on each night!). On Wednesday, one of the new grad students hosted a games party with the idea of holding one on a weekly basis. I'm excited about the chance to play some of the games that don't really belong at games parties. On Thursday, Mike Smith had his free beer for successfully defending his masters thesis. So Diane and I joined him and several others for drinking beer and watching the oiler hockey game. A very exciting game, I might add! On Friday we played our second session of a Serenity RPG. Its interesting, though I'm having a little trouble getting into it.

Saturday was the games party at Michael Buro's place. It was really fun - I played three new games ... one of which was a new party game of Curtis'. Its kind of a cross between apples to apples and Balderdash. Lots of fun was had by all!

So life has been real busy lately. I'm trying really hard to keep the distractions from killing my productivity. Let's see how I do!
