Long time no write

Ack - it happened again. I do mean to keep this blog up to date - but its been so crazy this month that I haven't been adding posts. Sorry for my *ahem* faithful readers (umm ... if you exist). What have I been up to? Diane and I made a trip to Vancouver a couple weeks ago for my friend Ryan's wedding. That was pretty fun - I had never done the drive there on my own before. We stopped in Kamloops on the way there to visit Diane's Aunt, Uncle, and Grandmother. They are some really nice people! We camped at Lac La Jeune campground, which was a really nice place to stay - I'd definitely go back.

As a sidenote, the bc provincial campgrounds have an awesome online registration system - you can book your site as soon as a couple days in advance through http://www.discovercamping.ca. They charge a fee to book the site, but the nice thing is you can simply pay in advance, and you don't have to worry about having cash on site to pay for your campsite. Plus, you don't have to worry when you'll get there that all the sites will be full because you'll already have a site booked!

We stopped at Rolley Lake the night before the wedding - a little campground about an hour out of Vancouver. Then on the day of the wedding we drove in, checked into our hotel room and changed so we were all fancy for the wedding. It was a small affair, but nice - and soon Ryan and Jazz were off to their bed and breakfast off the coast. Fancy!

We stopped at Lac La Jeune again on the way back. Its a really long drive from Edmonton to Vancouver so we felt it would be better to do the trip in a couple shorter legs. Probably a good idea!

What else has happened? My family went down to join the Getz family reunion. For those interested, that's my Grandmother's side of the family. I didn't know that many people there, but it was good to meet some of the people who I'm related to. Diane actually came down for the trip, and it was kinda cool to introduce her as being attached to me ;-).

Yesterday, Mike moved all his stuff into the condo. Its going to take some adjusting to get used to someone else being in the place - but that's not a bad thing. Being by myself was kinda nice, but its also nice to have someone else to talk to - I can imagine it would get kinda lonely after awhile by myself. Plus, with all the furniture and stuff Mike brought with him, the place feels a lot homier (is that a word?) than it did.

So that's exciting - life is just trucking along.

Until next time, Take care!
